Monday, January 3, 2011

New Favourite

I finally got a slow cooker for christmas - thanks MOM! (husbands are not allowed to purchase kitchen gadgets, but moms are!)

My life is about to get really busy now, even though I am a stay at home mom, I will be on the go 7 days a week and that is not even including my home business (Partylite). This slow cooker is going to come in handy!

I was referred to this site: where Stephanie O'Dea cooks using her slow cooker 365 days a year, she is apparently quite obsessed with hers!

While I am not that dedicated,I am sure I will be able to incorporate some of her recipies/ideas and implement them at home. I find her site fascinating and she is an award winning blogger/author - check her out, and let me know what recipies you fall in love with! I will post mine too!


  1. Joanne I use to use my crock pot all the time they are fabulous things. I am going to check out this blog for sure always up for new recipies!

  2. I love my slow cooker, but don't have many recipes, thanks for the link.
