Thursday, February 3, 2011

Can Somebody Tell Me...

Why and how is it, that I am a stay at home mom who has no time to do anything?  Granted, I have my Partylite business but that isn't time consuming, so where are the hours in each day disappearing to...

My husband can tell that I have not been doing my yoga, my emotions are all over the place and I cannot seem to even prioritize what it is that I have to do, how can I accomplish my goals this way!  I need a kick in the pants, someone to "push" me.  Stuck in a rut is me!

I feel like I can make time for everyone else, my boys, hubby, my team of consultants and yet when it comes to me I just make excuses!  Like today, I baked cookies, did laundry, prepped a gourmet dinner all just to avoid doing my exercises, why?

Oh yes, I know where I need to be right now, somewhere that my body can generate an increase of serotonin levels.  In case anyone here suffers from serotonin deficiencies, and does not know it, here are some root causes - now that I have found these, I see which are similar and will work one day at a time to fix them (except I cannot make it sunny out no matter how hard I try, lol!):

  • Prolonged periods of stress can deplete serotonin levels. Our fast paced, fast food society greatly contributes to these imbalances. 
  • Poor Diet. Neurotransmitters are made in the body from proteins. Also required are certain vitamins and minerals called “cofactors”. If your nutrition is poor and you do not take in enough protein, vitamins, or minerals to build the neurotransmitters, a neurotransmitter imbalance develops. We really do think and feel what we eat. (I am 100% in this area of diet, need to re-motivate)
  • Genetic factors, faulty metabolism, and digestive issues can impair absorption and breakdown of our food which reduces are ability to build serotonin.
  • Toxic substances like heavy metals, pesticides, drug use, and some prescription drugs can cause permanent damage to the nerve cells that make serotonin and other neurotransmitters. 
  • Certain drugs and substances such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, NutraSweet, antidepressants, and some cholesterol lowering medications deplete serotonin and other neurotransmitter levels. (ahhhh caffeine - I thought you were my friend?)
  • Hormone changes cause low levels of serotonin and neurotransmitter imbalances. (hmmm, good ol mother nature's fault I presume?)
  • Lack of sunlight contributes to low serotonin levels (absolutely, its so dark and the mood translates accordingly, *sigh*)
Well, back to the starting gate I suppose:
  1. I will negotiate with my body's diet intake - ok, I will simply stop eating out.  Life has been extremely busy this last week that eating well has not been an option. period.  
  2. I will scale coffee back to 1 cup a day, not quite sure but yesterday I had the equivalent of 4 cups - yuck!  At least I hardly use sugar anymore
  3. I will do my yoga!
Now, it is said that it takes 90 days to change habits, I supposed there are meant to be bumps along the way.  

I am so thankful that I have such a loving and supportive family, and wonderful new friends from 90Days2Life as well as my dear close friends who help pick me up and push me back into the direction I need.

Hugs and kisses


  1. don't forget, some weeks are just harder than others for emotions etc. as hormones play in. I have been totally edgy this week even though I have been exercising because I'm mid cycle. Although, maybe if I was doing yoga still I would be handling that better too! lol :) So hard to motivate oneself, especially at home. I'll send you a text in the morning, 'yoga time!' ha ha :D

  2. My hubby says January/February are like it is 4 o'clock all day - grey, no light, blah! Take it easy on yourself Joanne! Making homemade meals, picking up after and stimulating little people is hard work that can leave a momma pooped and frayed. In the grand scheme of learning, it take setbacks to reinforce in your mind that you really want new patterns, or new skills. Setbacks are necessary and helpful. Remember, it is just as important to give yourself credit for the positive things you are choosing to do too -i.e. hosting/organizing a meeting on wellness, home making dinners, being a darn good fantastic SAHM. Write a list of all the things you have done positive too! :) Go Joanne!!

  3. Sounds sooo familiar Joanne.Just like you I am always busy taking care of my family.I am always the last one on my list.But how can I really be a happy and positive mum and wife if I don't give a little to myself? So,..... this week I started my yoga classes again. My muscles ache, but I feel so much better.Stay motivated Joanne,(did you know that cooking is good exersize too, and a great way to burn calories?)
