Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I had to ask 3 different people today what day it was, Tuesday.  Not quite sure why this eludes me today, at least its almost over!  I suppose functioning on 4 hours sleep while trying to run a household can trigger that memory loss...

Hubby was up all night, fighting the stomach flu - its nasty!  My little man woke up around 3am and we couldn't exactly sleep so we tried crashing on our comfy couch downstairs for a while.  Up at 7, get the oldest off to school with breakfast and lunch, quick shower and off I go to playgroup with the little man.  As you can see, I don't use names here - someone told me not to when blogging so I am taking their advice, for now.  It feels weird referring to them as oldest and little man...

Playgroup was awesome, yet again.  This is a free service/resource available to us in our area put on at a local elementary school.  It is setup like my old home based daycare that I used to run, it feels very comfortable and natural.  I adore the other kids there, and watching my little man "take it all in".  He is not talking yet, but just recently is showing signs of really wanting to.  We are hoping this playgroup will stimulate that for him, not to mention the socializing skills he is learning.  Love it!

After a couple hours I had to take him away, he threw a fit for the first time - it was actually kinda cute.  We went to a friends house to get some training done.  She is signing up to become a Partylite consultant like me and we are gonna rock this town!  Really looking forward to working with her - she is an amazing woman who does so much for her community and family.  She will be awesome!!

So, left the house at 9am and got back at 1:30pm ...can you say busy?  The best part, my hubby was home.  Sick, yes.  Still...having another adult around is always nice. 

Speaking of feeling sick, I really do owe hubby an apology.  For what?  I was all pissy this morning because suddenly, without warning my day was going to be disrupted.  I was going to have to take care of another boy in the house, kinda like a 3rd child.  Sound familiar?  It felt like "oh great" I just don't have it in me to 'baby' him.  Not after both our boys were sick all weekend with the same thing.  Who am I kidding though, it is not his fault, and everyone feels gross themselves when they are sick.  In sickness and in health, I made that vow, and meant it.  But my attitude this morning sure wasn't very supportive.  I was feeling selfish which is rare and probably why I feel so badly about it now.  Regardless, taking care of a sick hubby is harder to take care of than kids most times, sorry hun, but its true!

Tonight was also my last night of Yoga had I been able to go, I was really looking forward to it.  I will miss it dearly - gonna have to do more Partylite shows to pay for another round of sessions.  Hot yoga is expensive, but ohhhhhh so worth it! 

Well, I am done my rant, my next post will be more exciting I promise!! Tomorrow night is weigh-in at our weekly 90Days2Life meeting!

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